» Психология » Девиантное поведение и основы его профилактики у подростков. Учебное пособие - Наталия Рождественская






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Ямбург К. А. Воспитание историей. – М: Знание, 1989. – 78 с.

Allport G. W. The nature of prejudice. – N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. Csepeli, Gy. and Orkeny, 1958. – 496 p.

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Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment // Ed. by Kimberly S. Young and Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu. – Hoboken, New Jersey: John Willey and Suns, Inc., 2011. – 289 p.

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Marcia J. E. Identity in Adolescence // Handbook of adolescent psychology/ Ed. by J. Adelson. – N.Y: John Willey, 1980. – P. 213–231.

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Mellody P., Miller A. W., Wilier K. Facing Love Addiction. – N.Y.: HarperCollins – 1992. – 272 p.

Osgood Ch., Suci S., Tannenbaum P. Measurement of meaning. – Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1957. – 520 p.

Tagiuri R. Person perception // Handbook of Social Psychology ed. by Lindzey G. & Aronson E. V. 3. – N.Y., 1969. – P. 395–449.

Young K. Caught in the Net: How to Recognize Internet Addiction and A Winning Strategy for Recovery. – NY: John Wiley & Sons, – 1998. – 256 p.

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