» Психология » Время. Ритмы и паузы - Мария-Луиза фон Франц






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Eigen, M., and R. Winkler, Das Spiel: Naturgesetze steuern den Zufall, Munich/ Zürich 1975.

Eliade, M., The Myth of the Eternal Return, London 1949; Patanjali et le yoga, Paris 1962; «Time and Eternity in Indian Thought», в Man and Time (1957). Franz, M.-L. von, «The Dream of Descartes», Timeless Documents of the Soul, Evanston, III.1968; Number and Time, Evanston, III., and London 1974. Fraser, J. T, The Voices of Time, New York 1966; (ed.) Of Time, Passion and Knowledge, New York 1975.

Fraser, J. T., and N. Lawrence (eds), The Study of Time: Proceedings of the First/Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, 2 vols, Heidelberg/New York 1972,1975.

Gamov, G., Atomic Energy, Cambridge 1947.

Granet, M., La Pensée chinoise, Paris 1968.

Green, H. B., Temporal Stages in the Development of the Self, Study II. Haber, C., The Darwinian Revolution in the Concept of Time’, Study I.

I Ching, смотрите Wilhelm.

Jung, C. G., Collected Works, ed. A. Jaffe, New York and London 1961, 1962, 1963; Memories, Dreams, Reflections, New York and London 1961, 1962, 1963. Kastenbaum, R., «Time, Death and Old Age», Study IL Kausitaki Upanishad IV, 2, цитируется в Eliade, Man and Time, 187. Krickeberg, W., H. Trimborn, W. Müller, O. Zerries, Pre-Columbian American Religions, London and New York 1968.

Le Lionnais, F., Le Temps, ed. R. Delpire, Série Science No. 2 de l’Encyclopédie Essentielle, Paris 1959.

León-Portilla, M., Aztec Thought and Culture, Norman, Okla. 1963, 2nd edn 1970. Macrobius, Saturnalia I, 22.

Mahnke, D., Unendliche Sphäre und Allmittelpunkt, Stuttgart 1937, repr.1966.

Man and Time, papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Bollingen Series xxx. 3, New York 1957.

Marshak, A., The Roots of Civilization, New York 1972.

Maupoil, B., La Géomancie à l’ancienne Côte des Esclaves, Paris 1943. Morley, S. G., An Introduction to the Study of the Maya Hieroglyphs, Washington, D.C. 1915.

Müller, W., Indianische Welterfahrung, Stuttgart 1976. Смотрите также Krickeberg et al.

Needham, J., Time and Eastern Man, The Henry Myers Lecture, London 1964; Needham, J. and Wang Ling, Science and Civilization in China, Cambridge 1959 etc.

Onians, R. B., The Origins of European Thought, Cambridge 1954.

Pfeiffer, F. (ed.), Meister Eckhart, 1857, London 1956.

Piaget, J., Le Développement de la notion du temps chez l’enfant, Paris 1946. Plato, Timaeus, 37 c,d, see Cornford, pp. 97-100.

Poppel, E., «Oscillations as a Possible Basis for Time-Perception», Study I. Portmann, A., «Time in the Life of the Organism», в Man and Time (1957). Preisendanz, K., Papyri graecae magicae, I, II, Teubner, Stuttgart 1973. Priestley, J. B., Man and Time, Aldus, London 1964.

Puree, J., The Mystic Spiral, London and New York 1974.

Quispel, G., «Time and History in Patristic Literature», в Man and Time (1957). Richter, C. P., «Astronomical References in Biological Rhythms», Study II. Ryder, A. W. (trs.), The Bhagavadgita, Chicago, n.d.

Santillana, G. de, Hamlet’s Mill, Boston 1969, p. 135.

Saussure, L. de, Origine babylonienne de l’astronomie chinoise, Archives de Sciences physiques et naturelles, 5e série, 5,198.5, 1923; Les Origines de l’astrologie chinoise, Maison Neuve, Paris 1930.

Schaltenbrand, G., «Cyclic States as Biological Space-Time Fields», Study IL Study, смотрите Fraser and Lawrence (eds.).

Suzuki, D. T., Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra, London 1930, repr. 1957,1968. Thompson, J. E. S., Maya Hieroglyph Writing, Washington, D.C. 1950. Usener, H., Götternamen, Frankfurt a. M. 1948.

Waley, A., The Way and its Power: A Study of the Tao tê Ching, London 1942, repr. 1949. Watanabe, M. S., «Causality and Time», Study II.

Whitrow, G. J., The Natural Philosophy of Time, London/Edinburgh 1961; «Reflections on the History of the Concept of Time», Study I.

Whorf, B. L., Sprache, Denken, Wirklichkeit, Hamburg 1963.

Whyte, L. L., Accent on Form, New York 1954.

Wilhelm, R., I Ching, the Book of Changes, trs. C. Bayne, 2 vols. London 1968. Wit, C. de, Le Rôle et le sens du lion dans l’Egypte ancienne, Leiden 1951.

Zimmer, H., Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization, New York 1962.


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