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Общественная жизнь. — Traill: Social England. — Wingfield Stratford: History of British Civilisation. — Synge: History of Social Life in England.

История языка. — Logan Pearsall Smith: The English Language.

История литературы. — Legouis et Cazamian: A History of English Literature. — Whitehead: Science and the Modern World. — Political Thought in England from Bacon to Halifax.

Внешняя политика. — Cambridge History of Foreign Policy. — Bourgeois: Manuel Historique de Politique Etrangère.


Mackinder: Britain and British Seas; Oman: England before the Norman Conquest; Belloc: The Old Road; Hubert: Les Celtes (Collection de Synthèse Historique); Haverfield: Roman Occupation; Collingwood: Roman Britain; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; Bede’s: Ecclesiastical History; Beowulf; Beatrice Lees: Alfred; Chadwick: Heroic Age; Vinogradoff: Growth of the Manor; M. Bloch: Caractères originaux de l’histoire rurale française; Freeman: William the Conqueror; History of the Norman Conquest.


Davis: England under the Normans and the Angevins; Petit-Dutaillis: Monarchie féodale en France et en Angleterre; Vinogradoff: English Society in the Eleventh Century; Powicke: Mediaeval England; Maitland: Domesday Book and beyond; Oman: Art of War in the Middle Ages; A. F. Pollard: Evolution of Parliament; J. H. Round: Feudal England; Calmette: Société Féodale; Coulton: Social Life in Britiain; Life in the Middle Ages; Salzmann: English Life in the Middle Ages; Bemont: Vie de Simon de Monfort.


Vickers: England in the later Middle Ages; Powicke: Mediaeval England; Trevelyan: England in the ages of Wycliffe; Tout: Edward I; Mrs. J. R. Green: Henry II; Gairdner: Richard III; Paston Letters; Chaucer: Canterbury Tales; Abram: English Life and Manors in the later Middle Ages; Coulton: Chaucer and his England.


Innes: England under the Tudors; Kath. Garvin: The Great Tudors; Pollard: Henry VIII; Pollard: Cranmer; Neale: Elizabeth; Evelyn Waugh: Campion; Lytton Strachey: Elizabeth and Essex; Callender: Naval Side of British History; Colbett: Drake and the Tudors Navy; Hakluyt, Trotter: Seventeenth Century Life in Country Parish; Sir Charles Oman: The Sixteenth Century; H. Saint-Clair Byrne: Elizabethean Life.


Trevelyan: England under the Stuarts; Gardiner: History of England (1603–1642); Clarendon, Dowden: Puritan and Anglican; Charles I: Letters; Charles II: Letters; Vie de Cromwell par Firth, Fr. Harrison et John Buchan; Carlyle: Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches; Arthur Bryant: Charles II; John Hayward: Charles II; Traill: Shaftesbury; Journal de Pepys; Letters of Dorothy Osborn to Sir William Temple; Carola Oman: Henrietta-Maria of France; Vie du Colonel Hutchinson; Briant: The England of Charles II.


Queen Ann: Letters; Winston Churchill: Marlborough; W. Sichel: Bolingbroke; Morley: Walpole; F. S. Oliver: The Endless Adenture; Harrison: Chatham; Rosebery: Pitt; Basil Williams: Pitt; Dobree: England under the Hannoverians; Thackeray: The Four Georges; Sir Charles Petrie: The Four Georges, A Revaluation; Shane Leslie: Georges IV; Holland Rose: Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era; Sorel: Europe et Révolution Française; Van Tyne (sur la révolution américaine); Hammond: Village Labourer; Mantoux: Révolution Industrielle; Adam Smith: Welth of the Nations; Turberville: English Men and Manners in the Eighteenth Century.


Elie Halévy: Histoire du Peuple Anglais au XIX siecle; Marriott: England since Waterloo; Trevelyan: Lord Grey of the Reform Bill; Chesterton: Cobbett; Queen Victoria: Letters; Lytton Strachey: Queen Victoria; Edith Sitwell: Victoria of England; Monypenny and Buckle: Disraeli; Morley: Gladstone; Disraeli: Life of Lord George Bentinck; Sir Sydney Lee: Edward VII; Maurois: Eduard VII et son temps; Ladie Gwendolen Cecil: Lord Salisbury; Grewe: Lord Rosebery; Basil Williams: Cecil Rhodes; Duff-Cooper: Haig; Harold Nicolson: Lord Carnock, Lord Curson and Peacemaking; G. M. Young: Early Victorian England; Hearnshaw: Edwardian England; Marriott: Modern England (1875–1932).

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