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40 Glenn Takata et al., “Evidence Assessment of Management of Acute Otitis Media: I. The Role of Antibiotics in Treatment of Uncomplicated Acute Otitis Media”, Pediatrics 108 (2001), 239–247.

41 Интервью, взятые автором у Келли Карпы – профессора фармакологии из Медицинского колледжа Университета штата Пенсильвания. Ее книга “Бактерии на завтрак” – Kelly Karpa, Bacteria for Breakfast (Trafford Publishing, 2006) – рассказывает о тех мучениях, которые ей самой пришлось пережить в поисках средств от повторявшихся у ее шестилетнего сына тяжелых колитов, вызываемых C. difficile.

42 L. V. McFarland, “Meta-analysis of Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Disease”, American Journal of Gastroenterology 101 (2006), 812–822; Mario Guslandi, “Are Probiotics Effective for Treating Clostridium difficile Disease and Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea”, Nature Clinical Practice 3 (2006), 606–607.

43 “ViroPharma Licenses Rights to Develop Novel Therapeutic for Treatment of Clostridium difficile”, пресс-релиз компании от 27 февраля 2006 г.

44 См. часть 4, стр. 108–109.

45 R. W. Steele, “Recurrent Staphylococcal Infection in Families”, Archives of Dermatology 116 (1980), 189–190.

46 Интервью, взятые автором у Ричарда Халла, и переписка по электронной почте с января 2005 г. по ноябрь 2006 г.

47 Peter Andersson et al., “Persistence of Escherichia coli Bacteriuria Is Not Determined by Bacterial Adherence”, Infection and Immunity 59 (1991), 2915–2921; Richard Hull et al., “Virulence Properties of Escherichia coli 83972, a Prototype Strain Associated with Asymptomatic Bacteriuria”, Infection and Immunity 67 (1999), 429–432.

48 Richard Hull et al., “Urinary Tract Infection Prophylaxis Using Escherichia coli 83972 in Spinal Cord Injured Patients”, Journal of Urology 163 (2000), 872–877; Rabih Darouiche et al., “Pilot Trial of Bacterial Interference for Preventing Urinary Tract Infection”, Urology 58 (2001), 339–344.

49 B. W. Trautner et al., “Escherichia coli 83972 Inhibits Catheter Adherence by a Broad Spectrum of Uropathogens”, Urology 61 (2005), 1059–1062; Rabih Darouiche et al., “Bacterial Interference for Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection: A Prospective, Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Pilot Trial”, Clinical Infectious Diseases 41 (2005), 1531–1534. Более масштабное и продолжительное испытание должно завершиться в 2008 г.

50 Hull et al., “Virulence Properties of Escherichia coli 83972”; Richard Hull et al., “Role of Type 1 Fimbria- and P Fimbria-Specific Adherence in Colonization of the Neurogenic Human Bladder by Escherichia coli”, Infection and Immunity 70 (2002), 6481–6484.

51 Jeffrey Hillman, “Lactate Dehydrogenase Mutants of Streptococcus mutans: Isolation and Preliminary Characterization”, Infection and Immunity 21 (1978), 206–212.

52 R. J. Berkowitz, P. Jones, “Mouth-to-Mouth Transmission of the Bacterium Streptococcus mutans Between Mother and Child”, Archives of Oral Biology 30 (1985), 377–379.

53 Jeffrey Hillman et al., “Isolation of a Streptococcus mutans Strain Producing a Novel Bacteriocin”, Infection and Immunity 44 (1984), 141–144.

54 Jeffrey Hillman et al., “Colonization of the Human Oral Cavity by a Strain of Streptococcus mutans Mutant Producing Increased Bacteriocin”, Journal of Dental Research 66 (1987), 1092–1094.

55 Jeffrey Hillman et al., “Construction and Characterization of an Effector Strain of Streptococcus mutans for Replacement Therapy of Dental Caries”, Infection and Immunity 68 (2000), 543–549.

56 Интервью, взятое автором у Майкела Пеппеленбоса (Maikel Peppelenbosch) 1 февраля 2007 г.

57 Lothar Steidler et al., “Treatment of Murine Colitis by Eactococcus lactis Secreting Interleukin-10”, Science 5483 (2000), 1352–1355.

58 H enri Braat et al., “A Phase I Trial with Transgenic Bacteria Expressing Interleukin-10 in Crohn’s Disease”, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 4 (2006), 754–759.

59 Janice Liu et al., “Activity of HIV Entry and Fusion Inhibitors Expressed by the Human Vaginal Colonizing Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri PC-14”, Cellular Microbiology 9 (2007’), 120–130.

60 Интервью, взятые автором у Питера Ли (Peter Lee), и переписка по электронной почте с января 2005 г. по декабрь 2006 г.

61 N. Sewankambo et al., “HIV-1 Infection Associated with Abnormal Vaginal Flora Morphology and Bacterial Vaginosis”, Lancet 350 (1997), 546–550; H. L. Martin et al., “Vaginal Lactobacilli, Microbial Flora, and the Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Sexually Transmitted Disease Acquisition”, Journal of Infectious Diseases 180 (1999), 1863–1868.

62 Theresa L.-Y. Chang, “Inhibition of HIV Infectivity by a Natural Human Isolate of Lactobacillus jensenii Engineered to Express Functional Two-Domain CD4”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (2003), 11672-11677.

63 M. K. Boyd et al., “Discovery of Cyanovirin-N, a Novel Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Inactivating Protein That Binds Viral Surface Envelop Glycoprotein ghl20: Potential Applications to Microbicide Development”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 41 (1997), 1521–1530; C. C. P. Tsai et al., “Cyanovirin-N Inhibits AIDS Virus Infections in Vaginal Transmission Models”, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 20 (2004), 11–18.

64 Xiaowen Liu et al., “Engineered Vaginal Lactobacillus Strain for Mucosal Delivery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Inhibitor Cyanovirin-N”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50 (2006), 3250–3259.

65 D. Medaglini et al., “Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses to a Recombinant Protein Expressed on the Surface of the Oral Commensal Bacterium Streptococcus gordonii After Oral Colonization”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (1995), 6868–6872.

66 Ashu Sharma et al., “Oral Immunization with Recombinant Streptococcus gordonii Expressing Porphyromonas gingivalis FimA Domains”, Infection and Immunity 69 (2001), 2928–2934.

67 Corinne Grangette et al., “Protection Against Tetanus Toxin After Intragastric Administration of Two Recombinant Lactic Acid Bacteria: Impact of Strain Viability7 and In Vitro Persistence”, Vaccine 20 (2002), 3304–3309; B. Corthesy et al., “Oral Immunization of Mice with Lactic Acid Bacteria Producing Helicobacter pylori Urease B Subunit Partially Protects Against Challenge with Helicobacter felis”, Journal of Infectious Diseases 192 (2005), 1441–1449.

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