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53 Steven Projan, “Phage-Inspired Antibiotics”, Nature Biotechnology 22 (2004), 167–168.

54 Phage Therapy Center,

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57 Интервью, взятые автором у Винсента Фискетти в октябре – ноябре 2006 г.

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59 Harald Brüssow, “Phage Therapy: The Escherichia coli Experience”, Microbiology 151 (2005), 2133–2140; T. R. Calloway et al., “What Are We Doing About Escherichia coli 0157: H7 in Cattle”, Journal ofAnimal Science 82 (2004), E93 – E99.

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71 Jack Lucentini, “Antibiotic Arms Race Heats Up”, Scientist, September 8, 2003, 29.

72 Gabriel Perron, Michael Zasloff, Graham Bell, “Experimental Evolution of Resistance to an Antimicrobial Peptide”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273 (2006), 251–256.

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74 Rubhana Raqib et al., “Improved Outcome in Shigellosis Associated with Butyrate Induction of an Endogenous Peptide Antibiotic”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (2006), 9178–9183.

75 Philip Liu et al., “Toll-like Receptor Triggering of a Vitamin D-Mediated Human Antimicrobial Response”, Science 311 (2006), 1770–1773.

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Часть 6. Не убивать, а ослаблять, отвлекать и использовать

1 Эпиграф: Theodor Rosebury, Microorganisms Indigenous to Man (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962) 352–353.

2 Интервью, взятые автором у Виктора Низе (Victor Nizet) в ноябре 2006 г.

3 Jesse Wright et al., “The Agr Radiation: An Early Event in the Evolution of Staphylococci”, Journal of Bacteriology 187 (2005), 5585–5594.

4 Jesse Wright, Rhuzong Jim, Richard Novick, “Transient Interference with Staphylococcal Quorum Sensing Blocks Abscess Formation”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (2005), 1691–1696.

5 K. A. Davis, “Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: A Review”, Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 21 (2006), 211–226.

6 Интервью, взятые автором у Ричарда Новика в ноябре 2006 г.

7 Phillip Coburn et al., “Enterococcus faecalis Senses Target Cells and in Response Expresses Cytolysin”, Science 306 (2004), 2270–2272.

8 Интервью, взятое автором у Майкла Гилмора (Michael Gilmore) в ноябре 2006 г.

9 George Liu et al., “Sword and Shield: Linked Group B Streptococcal B-hemolysin/cytolysin and Carotenoid Pigment Function to Subvert

Host Phagocyte Defense”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (2004) 14491-14496.

10 Vivekanand Datta et al., “Mutational Analysis of the Group A Streptococcal Operon Encoding Streptolysin S and Its Virulence Role in Invasive Infection”, Molecular Microbiology 56 (2005), 681-95; John Buchanan et al., “Dnase Expression Allows the Pathogen Group A Streptococcus to Escape Killing in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps”, Current Biology 16 (2006), 396–400.

11 Thomas Louie et al., “Tolevamer, a Novel Nonantibiotic Polymer, Compared with Vancomycin in the Treatment of Mild to Moderately Severe Clostridium difficile-Associated Diarrhea”, Clinical Infectious Diseases 43 (2006), 411–420.

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