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Kringelbach, M. L., and K. C. Berridge, eds. Pleasures of the Brain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Rolls, E. T. Taste, olfactory, and food texture reward pro cessing in the brain and obesity. International Journal of Obesity 35 (2010): 550–561.

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Yeshurun, Y., and N. Sobel. An odor is not worth a thousand words: From multidimensional odors to unidimensional odor objects. Annual Review of Psychology 61 (2010): 219–241.

ГЛАВА 13. Вкус и вкусовые ощущения

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ГЛАВА 14. Ощущения в полости рта и вкус

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ГЛАВА 15. Зрение и вкус

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ГЛАВА 16. Слух и вкус

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ГЛАВА 17. Мышцы вкуса

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ГЛАВА 18. Сводя все воедино: система восприятия вкусовых ощущений человеческим мозгом

Bensafi, M., N. Sobel, and R. M. Khan. Hedonic-specific activity in piriform cortex mimics that during odor perception. Journal of Neurophysiology 98 (2007): 3254–3262.

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Veldhuizen, M. G., K. J. Rudenga, and D. M. Small. The plea sure of taste, flavor, and food. In Pleasures of the Brain, edited by M. L. Kringelbach and K. C. Berridge, 146–168. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

ГЛАВА 19. Вкус и эмоции

Franken, I. H. A., J. Booij, and W. van den Brink. The role of dopamine in human addiction: From reward to motivated attention. European Journal of Pharmacology 526 (2005): 199–206.

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