» Историческая проза » Черчилль: в кругу друзей и врагов - Дмитрий Медведев






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Churchill W. S. Step by Step. L.: Odhams, 1947.

Churchill W. S. The Second World War; Vol. I. L.: Cassell, 1948; Vol. II–VI. L.: Penguin Books, 2005.

Churchill W. S. The World Crisis; Vol. I–V. L.: Thornton Butterworth, 1923–1931.

Churchill W. S. The World Crisis 1911–1918. L.: Penguin Books, 2007.

Churchill W. S. Thoughts and Adventures. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2009.

Clarke P. Mr Churchill’s Profession. Statesman, Orator, Writer. L.: Bloomsbury, 2013.

Conan Doyle A. The British Campaign in France and Flanders. 1914. L.: Hodder and Stoughton, 1916.

Conan Doyle A. The British Campaign in France and Flanders. 1916. L.: Hodder and Stoughton, 1918.

Conan Doyle A. The Great Boer War. L.: Smith, Elder and Company, 1900.

Cornwallis-West G. The Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill. NY.: The Century, 1908.

Farmelo G. Churchill’s Bomb: A Hidden History of Science, War and Politics. L.: Faber and Faber, 2013.

Garnett D. (ed.). The Letters of T. E. Lawrence. NY.: Doubleday, Doran, 1939.

Gilbert M. In Search of Churchill. L.: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: War and Aftermath, December 1916 – June 1919. Vol. 8. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: Disruption and Chaos, July 1919 – March 1921. Vol. 9. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: Conciliation and Reconstruction, April 1921 – November 1922. Vol. 10. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2008.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: The Exchequer Years, 1922–1929. Vol. 11. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2009.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: The Wilderness Years, 1929–1935. Vol. 12. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2009.

Gilbert M. The Churchill Documents: The Coming of War, 1935–1939. Vol. 13. Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press, 2009.

Gilbert M. The First World War. A Complete History. NY.: Henry Holt and Company, 1994.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. III. L.: William Heinemann, 1971.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. IV. L.: William Heinemann, 1975.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill. Vol. V. L.: William Heinemann, 1976.

Gilbert M. Winston S. Churchill: Never Give In. Vol. VIII. L.: William Heinemann, 1988.

Graebner W. My Dear Mr. Churchill. Cambridge, Massachusets: The Riverside Press, 1965.

Graves R. Lawrence and the Arabs. NY.: Paragon House, 1991.

Halle K. The Irrepressible Churchill: Stories, Sayings and Impressions of Sir Winston Churchill. L.: Robson Books, 1985.

Jenkins R. Churchill. L.: Pan Books, 2002.

Johnson B. The Churchill Factor. L.: Hodder and Stoughton, 2015.

Langworth R. M. (ed.). Churchill by Himself. L.: Ebury Press, 2008.

Liddell Hart B. T. E. Lawrence. In Arabia and After. L.: Jonathan Cape, 1934.

Manchester W. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill; Visions of Glory: 1874–1932. NY.: Dell Publishing, 1989.

Manchester W. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill; Alone: 1932–1940. NY.: Dell Publishing, 1989.

Moran C. Churchill at War 1940–45. L.: Robinson, 2002.

Moran C. Churchill. The Struggle for Survival 1945–60. L.: Robinson, 2006.

Moran C. Struggle for Survival 1940–1965. L.: Constable, 1966.

Rose J. The Literary Churchill: Author, Reader, Actor. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014.

Soames M. Clementine Churchill: The Biography of a Marriage. NY.: Mariner Books, 2003.

Soames M. Winston and Clementine: The Personal Letters of the Churchills. NY.: Mariner Books, 2001.

Weidhorn M. A Harmony of Interests: Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill. L.: Associated University Press, 1992.

Weidhorn M. Sword and Pen: A Survey of the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974.

Wells H. G. Experiment in Autobiography. Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain. NY.: J. B. Lippincott, 1967.

Wells H. G. The Shape of Things to Come. L.: Penguin Classics, 2006.

Wilson J. Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T. E. Lawrence. NY.: Atheneum, 1990.

Статьи и эссе

Alkon P. Democracy in the Age of Information // Finest Hour. № 146. P. 56–57.

Alkon P. K. Churchill on Clemenceau: His Best Student? Part 1 // Finest Hour. № 150. P. 16–19.

Alkon P. K. Churchill on Clemenceau: His Best Student? Part 2 // Finest Hour. № 151. P. 38–42.

Alkon P. K. Imagining Scenarios // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 36–41.

Alkon P. K. The Writing of Seven Pillars // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 30–31.

Chenoweth E. L. All the World’s a Stage: Churchill and the Theatre // Finest Hour. № 152. P. 40–43.

Churchill W. S. A King is Crowned // Collier’s. 1937. May 15. P. 12–13, 57.

Churchill W. S. An English Classic // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 34–35.

Churchill W. S. Edward the Eighth // Collier’s. 1937. June 5. P. 27, 39.

Churchill W. S. Everybody’s Language // Collier’s. October 26. 1935. P. 24, 37–38.

Churchill W. S. Everybody’s Language // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 22–26.

Churchill W. S. Nature’s Panorama in California // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 28–32.

Churchill W. S. Oldest and Richest // Collier’s. 1936. July 11. P. 21–22, 28.

Churchill W. S. Soapbox Messiahs // Collier’s. June 20. 1936. P. 11, 44, 46.

Churchill W. S. What Good’s a Constitution // Collier’s. 1936. August 22. P. 22, 39–40.

Churchill W. S. Why Not Dictatorship? // Collier’s. 1935. February 16. P. 14, 26.

Fletcher D. Churchill and the Tank. Present at the Creation // Finest Hour. № 135. P. 42–44.

Frost M. Churchill and the Tank. In for the Duration // Finest Hour. № 135. P. 45–49.

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