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Race, Jeffrey. «Vietnam Intervention: Systematic Distortion in Policy Making.» Armed Forces and Society. May 1976, 377—96.

Race, Jeffrey. «The Unlearned Lessons of Vietnam.» Yale Review. Winter 1977, 162—77.

Raskin, Marcus, and Fall, Bernard. The Vietnam Reader, Rev. ed. New York, 1967.

Reischauer, Edwin O. Wanted: An Asian Policy. New York, 1955.

Reischauer, Edwin O. Beyond Vietnam: The United States and Asia. New York, 1967.

Ridgway, General Matthew B. «Indochina: Disengaging.» Foreign Affairs. July 1971.

Ridgway, General Matthew B. Soldier. New York, 1956.

Riegle, Donald. О Congress. New York, 1972.

Roberts, Chalmers M. «The Day We Didn’t Go To War,» in Raskin and Fall, q.v., originally from The Reporter. 14 Sept 1954.

Russett, Bruce М., and Stepan, Alfred. Military Force and American Society. New York, 1973.

Safire, William. Before the Fall: An Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House. New York, 1975.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Richard Dudman et al. Special Supplement on Vietnam, 30 Apr 1975.

Salinger, Pierre. With Kennedy. New York, 1966.

Schandler, Herbert Y. The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam. Princeton, 1977.

Scheer, Robert. How the United States Got Involved in Vietnam. Santa Barbara, 1965.

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. A Thousand Days. Boston, 1965.

Sevareid, Eric. «The Final Troubled Hours of Adlai Stevenson.» Look. 30 Nov 1965.

Shaplen, Robert. The Lost Revolution. New York, 1966. (All references are to this book unless otherwise noted.)

Shaplen, Robert. The Road from War. New York, 1970.

Sharp, U. S. Grant, Admiral. Strategy for Defeat. San Rafael, Calif., 1978.

Shawcross, William. Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia. New York, 1979.

Smith, R. Harris. Oss: The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1972.

Sorensen, Theodore C. Kennedy. New York, 1965.

Steel, Ronald. Walter Lippmann and the American Century. Boston, 1980.

Summers, Colonel Harry G. On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War. Presidio, Calif., 1982.

Szulc, Tad. The Illusion of Peace: Foreign Policy in the Nixon Years. New York, 1978.

Taylor, General Maxwell D. Swords and Plowshares. New York, 1972.

Thompson, W. Scott, and Frizzell, Donaldson D., eds. The Lessons of Vietnam: A Colloquium in 1913—74 at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy on the Military Lessons of the Vietnamese War. New York, 1977.

Thomson, James C., Jr. «How Could Vietnam Happen?» the Atlantic. April 1968.

Thompson, W. Scott, and Frizzell, Donaldson D., eds. «Resigning from Government,» in Franck and Weisband, q. v.

Thome, Christopher. Allies of a Kind. London, 1978.

U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Mansfield, Senator Mike, Report of, On A Study Mission to the Associated States of Indo-China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Loas, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, 27 Oct 1953.

U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Mansfield, Senator Mike, Report of…, To Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 15 Oct 1954.

U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Mansfield, Senator Mike, Report of…, To Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 84th Congress, 1st Session, 6 Oct 1955.

U.S. Congress, Senate, 89th Congress, 2nd Session. Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations; Supplemental Foreign Assistance Fiscal Year 1966 — Vietnam, S. 2793 (Fulbright Hearings), Part I, pp. 1—743. (The Hearings were also published as a trade book by Random House with an introduction by Sen. Fulbright: The Vietnam Hearings, New York, 1966.)

U.S. Congress, 92nd, 2nd Session: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The United States and Vietnam: 1944—41. A staff study based on «The Pentagon Papers» by Robert M. Blum (cited as PP, Senate). USGPO, Washington, D.C., 1972.

U.S. Department of Defense. The Pentagon Papers: United States — Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967. Study prepared in twelve books by the Department of Defense and declassified for the House Armed Services Committee (cited as PP). USGPO, Washington, D.C, 1971.

U.S. Department of Defense. The Pentagon Papers: History of United States Decision Making on Vietnam, Senator Gravel edition. 4 vols, and Index volume. Boston, 1971—72. (Citations are from this edition unless otherwise noted.)

U.S. Department of Defense. The Pentagon Papers: as published by the New York Times. New York, 1971.

U.S. office of the Chief of Military History: Marcel Vigneras. Special Studies: Rearming The French. Washington, D.C., 1957.

U.S. State Department. Foreign Relations of the United States (annual). USGPO. Washington, D.C.

Vigneras, Marcel. See U.S. office of the Chief of Military History.

White, Ralph K. Nobody Wanted War: Misperception in Vietnam and Other Wars. New York, 1968.

White, Theodore. The Making of the President, 1968. New York, 1969.

Wicker, Tom. JFK and LBJ. New York, 1968.

Wilcox, Francis O. Congress, the Executive, and Foreign Policy. New York, 1971.

Очевидцы и участники событий, поделившиеся своими воспоминаниями:

Джордж У. Болл

Лесли Гелб

Харрисон Солсбери

Макджордж Банди

Дэвид Халберстам

Билл Мойерс

Уильям Ф. Банди

Мортон Гальперин

Дэвид Шенбрунн

Майкл Форестолл

Карл Кейзен

Джеймс Томсон

Дж. К. Гэлбрейт

Роберт С. Макнамара


1. «Слуга божественного разума»: Morton Smith in Columbia History of the World, ed. John Garraty and Peter Gay, New York, 1972, 210.

2. Платон: Laws, I, 644—5, III, 689B.

3. Тацит: Annals, Bk XV, chap. 53.

4. Джефферсон: to Tench Coxe, 1799, q. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, 3rd ed., 1980, 272, no. 11; Адам Смит: Theory of Moral Sentiments I, iii, 2, q. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, 509, no. 8.

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