» Историческая проза » Рональд Лэйнг. Между философией и психиатрией - Ольга Власова






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10. Conversations With Adam and Natasha. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977. Издано также как: Laing R. D. Conversations with Children. London: Allen Lane, 1978.

11. Do You Love Me? An Entertainment in Conversation and Verse. New York: Penguin Books, 1978.

12. Sonnets. London: Michael Joseph, 1979.

13. The Voice of Experience. New York: Pantheon Books, 1982.

14. Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.

15. Paroles D’Enfants. Trad, par Ch. Cler. Paris: Seuil, 1989.

Статьи, рецензии, предисловия и послесловия

1. Cameron J. L., Laing R. D., McGhie A. Patient and Nurse: Effects of Environmental Changes in the Care of Chronic Schizophrenics // The Lancet. 1956. 31 December. P. 1384–1386.

2. Laing R. An Examination of Tillich’s of Anxiety and Neurosis // British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1957. № 30. P. 88–91.

3. Laing R. D., Esterson A. The Collusive Function of Pairing in Analytic Groups // British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1958. Vol. 31. № 2. P. 117–123.

4. Series and Nexus in the Family // New Left Review. 1962. № 15. P. 7–14.

5. Schizophrenia and the Family // New Society. 1964. 16 April. P. 14–17.

6. Is Schizophrenia a Disease? // International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 1964. Vol. 10. P. 184–193.

7. Introduction / Coate M. Beyond All Reason. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1964. P. i-x.

8. Psychotherapy: The Search for a New Theory // New Society. 1964. 1 October.

9. What is Schizophrenia? // New Left Review. 1964. № 28. P. 63–69.

10. Laing R. D. Mystification, Confusion and Conflict / Intensive Family Therapy. Ed. L. Boszormenyi-Nagy and J. Framo. New York:, Harper & Row, 1965. R 343–362.

11. Practise and Theory: The Present Situation // Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1965. Vol. 13. № 1. P. 58–67.

12. Violence and Love // Journal of Existentialism. 1965. Vol. 5. № 20. P. 417–422.

13. The Massacre of the Innocents // Peace News. 1965. № 1491.

14. Transcendental Experience in Relation to Religion and Psychosis // Psychedelic Review. 1965. № 6. P. 7–15.

15. A Ten-Day Voyage // Views. 1965. № 8.

16. Foreword / MacNab F. Estrangement and Relationship: Experience with Schizophrenics. Bloomington, Indiana: University Press, 1965. P. i-xviii.

17. Esterson A., Cooper D.G., Laing R.D. Results of Family Orientated Therapy with Hospitalized Schizophrenics // British Medical Journal. 1965. № 2. 18 December. P. 1462–1465.

18. E. H. Erikson’s «Insight and Responsibility» // New Society. 1966. 28 April.

19. Ritualization in Abnormal Behaviour / Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London. 1966. Vol. 251. №.772. P. 331–335.

20. The Study of Family and Social Contexts in Relation to the Origin of Schizophrenia / The Origins of Schizophrenia: Proceedings of the First Rochester International Conference on Schizophrenia, March 29–31, 1967. Ed. by J. Romano. Amsterdam, New York: Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1967. P. 139–146.

21. The Obvious / The Dialectics of Liberation. Ed. by. D. Cooper. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968. P. 13–33.

22. Appearances and Disappearances; The Terror of Security and the Security of Terror // Fire. 1967. № 1.

23. Family and Individual Structure / The Predicament of the Family: A Psycho-Analytical Symposium. Ed. by P. Lomas. London: Hogarth Press, Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1967. P. 107–125.

24. S.Freud and W. Bullitt’s «Thomas Woodrow Wilson» // New Society. 1967. 18 May.

25. Liberation by Orgasm: Reich’s «Function of the Orgasm» // New Society. 1968. 28 March.

26. Intervention in Social Situations: Lecture delivered at the Association of Family Caseworkers’ Study Day, May 1968. London: Association of Family Caseworkers. 1969.

27. Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackson’s. «Pragmatics of Human Communication» // New Society. 1969. 3 April.

28. Religious Sensibility // The Listener. 1970. 23 April. R 536–537.

29. Metanoia: Some Experiences at Kingsley Hall / Going Crazy: The Radical Therapy of R. D. Laing and Others. Ed. by H. M. Ruitenbeek. Toronto, New York: Bantam Books, 1972. P. 11–21.

30. A Critique of Kallmann’s and Slater’s Genetic Theory of Schizophrenia / R. D. Laing. The Man and His Ideas. Ed. by R. Evans. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1976. P. 97–156.

31. What is Asylum? / Towards a Whole Society: Collected Papers on Aspects of Mental Health. Ed. by R. Terrington. London: The Richmond Fellowship Press, 1985.

32. God and Psychiatry // Times Literary Supplement. 1986. 23 May.

33. Hatred of Health / Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy. 1987. Vol. IV. P. 77–78.


1. Interview // International Times. Spring 1968.

2. Our Present Madness: Interview with Rod Stokes // Unit. 1968. № 11.

3. Sinclair I. The Kodak Mantra Interviews // The Kodak Mantra Diaries. London: Albion Village Press, 1971.

4. Mezan P. After Freud and Jung, Now Comes R. D. Laing // Esquire. 1972. Vol. 77. P. 160–178.

5. Something to Say: Interview with John Morgan and Maurice Carstairs // Guardian. 1972. 27 December.

6. Qui est fou? Trans. John Tillich // L’Express. 1973. 23 July.

7. Simon R. Still R. D. Laing After All These Years: An Interview with R. D. Laing Family Therapy Networker. 1983. Vol. 7. № 3.

8. Kelly D. An Interview with R. D. Laing / Audio Colloquies. London: Harper & Row, 1987.

9. Mullan B. Mad to be Normal: Conversations with R. D. Laing. London: Free Association Books, 1995.

10. Kirsner D. The Human Condition: An Interview with R. D. Laing // Psychotherapy in Australia. 1996. № 2. P. 55–60.

Критическая литература


1. Beveridge Al. Portrait of the Psychiatrist as a Young Man: The Early Writing and Work of R.D.Laing, 1927–1960. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2011.

2. Burston D. The Crucible of Experience: R.D.Laing and the Crisis of Psychotherapy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000.

3. Burston D. The Wing of Madness: the Life and Work of R.D.Laing. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996.

4. Clay J. R.D.Laing: A Divided Self. London: Hodder & Staughton, 1996.

5. Collier A. R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.

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