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30. Take folate instead of folic acid: Lynch, Ben. “Folic Acid and Pregnancy | Is Folic Acid the Right Choice?” You Tube, 7 September 2016,

31. In 1998, FDA required “enrichment” of foods: “Folate,” National Institutes of Health, Accessed April 2017,

32. The wrong amount of exercise: Reynold, Gretchen. “How Exercise Changes Our DNA,” Well, 17 December 2014,

33. Poor Sleep: Kirkpatrick, Bailey. “The Epigenetics of Sleep: 3 Reasons to Catch More Zzz’s,” What is Epigenetics, 3 March 2015,

34. Methyl groups used faster under stress: Bing, Yuntao et al. “Glucocorticoid-induced S-Adenosylmethionine Enhances the Interferon Signaling Pathway by Restoring STAT1 Protein Methylation in Hepatitis B Virus-infected Cells,” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 30 September 2014,

3. Каков ваш генетический профиль?

35. COMT affects estrogen metabolism: Cussenot, Olivier. “Combination of Polymorphisms From Genes Related to Estrogen Metabolism and Risk of Prostate Cancers: The Hidden Face of Estrogens,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, August 2007,

4. Анкета № 1: каким генам необходима «чистка»?

5. MTHFR, или мастер метилирования

36. MTHFR SNP’s can lead to a decreased risk of colon cancer: Xie, SZ. et al. “Association between the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and risk of cancer: evidence from 446 case-control studies,” Tumour Biology, 17 June 2015,

37. If MTHFR is born dirty, it can have up to one hundred SNPS or even more: “MTHFR[all],” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Accessed April 2017,[all].

38. Supports of healthy methylation: Wilcken, W. et al. “Geographical and ethnic variation of the 677C>T allele of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR): findings from over 7000 newborns from 16 areas world wide,” Journal of Medical Genetics, 2003,

39. Health Conditions Related to SNPs in Your MTHFR: “Genopedia: MTHFR,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed April 2017,

40. Cobalamin/B12 found in food: “Vitamin B12,” Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center, Accessed April 2017,

6. COMT. Внимательность и жизнерадостность, или спокойствие и отрешенность COMT

41. Catechols found in quercetin: “COMT Gene,” Genetic Home Reference, 11 April, 2017,

42. Dopamine quinone is associated with Parkinson’s disease and ADHD medications: Miyazak, Ikuko, Asanuma, Masato. “Approaches to Prevent Dopamine Quinone-Induced Neurotoxicity,” Neurochemical Research, 04 September 2008,

43. Toxicity of Methylphenidate: Sadasivan, Shankar et al. “Methylphenidate Exposure Induces Dopamine Neuron Loss and Activation of Microglia in the Basal Ganglia of Mice,” PLOS One, 21 March 2012,

44. Toxicity of Methylphenidate: Espay, AJ. et al. “Methylphenidate for gait impairment in Parkinson disease,” American Academy of Neurology, 5 April 2011,

45. Adderall can generate dopamine-quinone: German, Christopher L., Hanson, Glen R., Fleckenstein, Annette E., “Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Reduce Striatal Dopamine Transporter Function Without Concurrent Dopamine Transporter Relocalization,” Journal of Neurochemistry, 23 August 2012,

46. Two common reasons for magnesium deficiency: Janett, S. et al. “Hypomagnesemia Induced by Long-Term Treatment with Proton-Pump Inhibitors,” Gastroentology Research & Practice, 4 May 2015,

47. Two common reasons for magnesium deficiency: Kynast-Gales, SA, Massey, LK. “Effect of caffeine on circadian excretion of urinary calcium and magnesium,” Journal of American College of Nutrition, October 1994,

48. Damage from dioxins: Liu, J. et al. “Variants in maternal COMT and MTHFR genes and risk of neural tube defects in offspring,” Metabolic Brain Disease, 4 July 2014,

49. Hugs raise dopamine: “The Power of Love Hugs and Cuddles Have Long-Term Effects,” NIH News In Health, February 2007,

7. DAO: суперчувствительность к еде и токсинам

50. Where DAO enzymes lives in your body: “AOC1 Gene (Protein Coding),” Gene Cards, Accessed April 2017,

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