» Домоводство » Мода и гении - Ольга Хорошилова






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Annenkov G. Max Ophuls. Le Terrain Vague. Paris, 1962. 137 p.

Clark K. Leonardo da Vinci. Revised edition. Penguin, London, 1989. 274 p.

Crisp Q. The Naked Civil Servant. Harper Collins, Glasgow, 1981. 224 p.

Dijk, Sara Jacomien van. Beauty adorns virtue. Dress in portraits of women by Leonardo da Vinci. Doctoral Thesis. Leiden University, 2015.

Ellman R. Oscar Wilde. Penguin, London, 1988. 656 p.

Feinberg L. The young Leonardo. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 204 p.

Frick C. C. Dressing Renaissance Florence. The Johns Hopkins University press, 2002. 348 p.

Gnignera E. I soperchi ornamenti. Copricapi e acconciature femminili nell’Italia del Quattrocento. Protagon Editori Toscani, 2010. 320 p.

Kemp M. Leonardo da Vinci. The Marvelous works of Nature and Man. Oxford University Press, 2006. 381 p.

Langlade, Jacques de. Oscar Wilde, ou La Vérité des masques. Paris, 1987. 345 p.

Langston B., Poznansky A. The Tchaikovsky Handbook. Vol. 1–2. Indiana University Press, 2002.

Ligne Charles Joseph, de. Lettres et pensées du maréchal prince de Ligne. Paris, 1810.

Levi Pisetzky, R., La Storia del Costume in Italia. Vol III. Milano: Fondazione Giovanni Treccani degli Alfieri, 1968–1969. 500 p.

Memoires of the Princess Daschkaw. Vol. 1. L., 1840.

Pallanti, G. Mona Lisa Revealed: A True Identity of Leonardo’s Model. Skira Editore, 2006. 128 p.

Rocke M. Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence (Studies in Hostory of Sexuality). Oxford University Press, 1998. 384 p.

Sherard R. H. The Life of O. Wilde. NY: Mitchel Kennerly, 1906. 472 p.

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