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Les Archives de la flibuste: Depot de documents relatifs aux flibustiers, pirates et corsaires de la Jamai'que, de Saint-Domingue et autres lieux en Amerique provenant de divers fonds d'archives anglais, francais, espagnols et neerlandais reunis, retranscrits et adaptes par Le Diable Volant [par R. Laprise] /http:// www. geocities. com/trebutor/ADF2005.

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The voyages and adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp and others, in the South Sea: being a journal of the same, also Capt. Van Horn with his Buccanieres surprizing of la Vera Cruz to which is added The true Relation of Sir Henry Morgan, his Expedition against the Spaniards in the West-Indies, and his taking Panama. Together with The President of Panama's Account of the same Expedition: Translated out of Spanish. And Col. Beeston's adjustment of the Peace between the Spaniards and English in the West Indies. L.: Printed by B. W. for R. H. and S. Т., 1684.

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