» Разная литература » Жизнь и смерть в Средние века. Очерки демографической истории Франции - Юрий Львович Бессмертный






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traditional and conventional stereotypes especially stable, hardly changeable. Sexual moralities are not accidentally considered to be one of the most conservative and stable components of culture. Paradoxically, the very fact that the rules of this moral code were everywhere and everyday performed, made individual deviations more and more frequent. Such deviations could become more frequent also because demographic behaviour constitutes the most intimate sphere of human lives, where any social control would be practically impossible. Most often, the deviations occurred within the deep-rooted trends, and were not so much of a qualitative character, as a quantitative one: a further pushing up of the age at first marriage; a stricter fulfillment of marriage rules; a greater intensification of vital behaviour etc. The «freedom gap» some individuals retained regarding most conventional stereotypes of behaviour, was used most often in that way. It was very seldom that it could be used to create principally new forms of conduct, and yet it was not impossible. The practice of voluntary regulation of fertility, scarce at its initial stage, but spreading more and more widely into daily routine, is only one example illustrating the phenomenon.

As to the demographic growth proper, which in medieval France was a stable feature of demographic development, it was preconditioned not only by clichés of behaviour. It was also stimulated by the expansion of the territory of France, intensified cultivation of lands, social and economic upsurge, the state’s political consolidation, etc. Yet the consequences of the growth were not always monosemantic. As the internal and external expansion of the French feudalism was completed, the further demographic growth presented a more and more acute problem. The country faced the menace of overpopulation.

For many decades Soviet historiography treated the problem of overpopulation in a simplified way: any overpopulation was considered «relative», caused by temporary difficulties, which nevertheless could be overcome only through changes in the «economic basis of society». The history of France shows that the excess of human resources had existed there very early, at least since the end of the thirteenth century, and kept through different variants of the «economic basis» (periods of calamity excluded). The traditional view that the Middle Ages constantly suffered from underpopulation is in many respects mythical. Even in those early times, people were forced to resist unbalanced demographic growth, and found means to limit it. Underestimating the role of socio-cultural means of regulation of historical process, students of history had for a long time overlooked their role in demographic regulation as well.

To trace demographic processes in their relation to demographic concepts and demographic behaviour is one of the characteristic undertakings of new demographic history. Besides revealing quantitative parameters of various demographic phenomena, it plunges into research of motives of human actions in the demographic sphere, and the sources of those motives. This does not only expand the territory of the demographic history of old, it also changes its very character. Converging with historio-cultural anthropology, the new demographic history contributes greatly to the creation of historical synthesis. This book is an attempt to help the new demographic history to mature.

Список сокращений

ВИ — «Вопросы истории»

ВФ — «Вопросы философии»

СЭ — «Советская этнография»

ФЕ — «Французский ежегодник»

ADH — Annales de démographie historique

AL–Lille A. Liber poenitentialis. Louvain; Lille, 1965. T. 1–2

Annales E. S. C. — Annales: Économie. Sociétés. Civilisation

B — Beaumanoir Ph. Coutumes de Beauvaisis / Publ. par A. Salmon. P., 1899–1900. T. 1–2

Blois — Robert de Blois / Ed. par J. H. Fox. P., 1950

Burch. — Burchardus Wormacensis. Decretum // PL. T. 140

Cart. — Cartulaire

Chartes — Le Lanquedoc et le Rouergue dans le Trésor des Chartes / Ed. Y. Dossat, A. Lamasson, Ph. Wolff. P., 1983

Dog. (D) — Iustiniani Digesta // Corpus iuris civilis. Institutiones, Digesta. Berolini, 1928. T. 1

Fougère — Estienne de Fougères. Livre des Manières: Rimarium, Grammatik, Wörterbuch und neuer Textabdruck. Marburg, 1887

HE — Ordericus Vitalis. Historia Ecclesiastica / Ed. M. Chibnall. Oxford, 1978

Les douze mois figures — Les douze mois figurez / Ed. J. Morawski // Archiviun Romanicum. Nouva rivista di filologia romanza. Genève, 1926. Vol. X. N 3–4

MA — Le Moyen Age

PL — Patrologae Cursus Completus. Ser. Latina

PN — Philippe de Novare. Des IV. tenz d’aage d’ome / Ed. par M. Fréville. P., 1888

RH — Revue Historique


1. Сотворение мира и человека

Миниатюра из рукописи «Реймского миссала»

Конец XIII века. РНБ, Lat. Q.v.I.78. Л. 20

Брак. Внебрачная любовь. Секс

2. Предубеждение против брака в церковной доктрине

Миниатюра из рукописи Готье де Куэнси «Жизнь и чудеса Богоматери»

Конец XIII века. Франция (Суассон?). РНБ, Fr. F.v. XIV. 9. Л. 87

Пораженный красотой статуи Богоматери, некий юноша поклялся ей в верности (слева вверху). Когда, забыв о своей клятве, он женился, Богоматерь, явившаяся к ложу молодоженов, обвиняла его в том, что он предпочел земную любовь небесной (слева внизу). Пристыженный юноша согласился принять постриг (справа вверху). Он убедил стать монахиней и молодую жену (справа внизу).

3. Представление о верховенстве церкви в брачных делах

Миниатюра из рукописи Готье де Куэнси «Жизнь и чудеса Богоматери»

Конец XIII века. Франция (Суассон?). РНБ, Fr. F.v. XIV.9. Л. 105

Ревнивая жена тщетно молилась Богоматери о погибели соперницы (слева вверху). Так как о том же молилась и ее соперница, Богоматерь внушила каждой из женщин желание повиниться друг перед другом (слева внизу и справа вверху). Это примирило обеих (справа внизу).

4. Мирская любовь. Резные шкатулки из

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