Фото 22 Armour of the Archduke Sigmund of Tyrol by Lorenz Helmschmied, c. 1480. W.S.V.
Фото 23 Part of an armour, by Hans Prunner, c. 1490-1500. Churburg
Фото 24 Armour believed to be that of Kunz Schott von Hellingen. Nuremberg, c. 1500. Collection of Mr. R. T. Gwynn, Epsom
Фото 25 Armour of Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony. Saxon (?), 1530 W.S.V.
Фото 26 Parade armour made for the Emperor Charles V when Archduke by Konrad Seusenhofer, 1512-14. W.S.V.
Фото 27 Parade armour of the Emperor Charles V, by Bartolommeo Campi, 1546. R.A.M.
Фото 28 Armour, probably of Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria. Nuremberg, 1549. M.M.
Фото 29 Light field armour (Harnasch) of Heinrich von Rantzau. Saxon (?), c. 1550-60. W.S.V.
Фото 30 Armour, probably of Galiot de Genouilhac. Greenwich, 1527. MM.
Фото 31 Armour of Sir Christopher Hatton. Greenwich, 1585. Windsor Castle
Фото 32 Half-armour of so-called Pisan type. North Italian (probably Milan), c. 1560-70. W.C.L.
Фото 34 Three-quarter, 'black and white' armour of Karl III, Herzog von Lothringen. German, c. 1590-1600. W.S.V.
Фото 35 Brigandine. Probably Italian, c. 1580. Collection of Mr. C. O. von Kienbusch
Фото 36 Jack. English, late 16th century. T.L.A.
Фото 37 Armour for a boy. Milanese, c. 1610. M.M.
Фото 38 Pikeman's corslet. English, c. 1620. T.L.A.
Фото 39 Cuirassier armour of Archduke Charles of Tyrol when a boy. South German, 1641. W.S.V.
Фото 40 Harquebus armour of James II of England by Richard Hoden, 1686. T.L.A.
Фото 41 Armour (Stechzeug) for the German Gestech, by Valentin Siebenburger, c. 1530. Germanisches National-Museum, Nuremberg
Фото 42 Armour (Rennzeug) for the German Scharfrennen, by Christian Treytz, c. 1490. W.S.V.