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II. 'jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas/ phyag chen sngon 'gro'i khrid yig nges sgron me/ In: gsung 'bum rgya chen bka' mdzod/ volume 5 (ca). Pages 13-133. New Delhi: Shechen. 2002.

Справочная и общая поясняющая информация в сносках обычно принадлежит переводчику, смысловые комментарии и детализация – Шерабу Гьялцену Ринпоче (ШГР), если не указан другой источник. Даты начала обсуждения каждой части текста указываются в первом относящемся к ней комментарии.

В силу легкой доступности точных ссылок (в ТС и СУ) на используемые в тексте сутры и трактаты, в данном издании они отсутствуют.


TC – Kongtrul 1977.

ШГР – Sherab Gyaltsen 2008.

СУ – Конгтрул 1993.

Тибетские словари и источники текстов:

Dharma Dictionary (Ranjung Yeshe): bod skad dang dbyin skad tshal mdzod thabs shes ldan pa:

Illuminator: Duff, Tony. The Illuminator. Tibetan-English Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Electronic Version 5.20 January 1st, 2012 (2000). Kathmandu: Padma Karpo Translation Committee.

The Nitartha Online Tibetan-English dictionary:

TBRC: Tibetan Buddhist Research Center,

bod rgya tshig: krang dbyi sun; gtso 'gan. bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo. pe cin: mi rigs dpe skrun khang. 1993.

Избранные публикации трудов Джамгёна Конгтрула I Лодрё Тхайе (Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, Jamgon) на английском языке:

Kongtrul 1975

Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, Jamgon. The Lamp of Certainty. Translated and annotated by J. Hanson. MA Thesis. New York: The University of British Columbia.

Kongtrul 1976

–, —. Lifestory of The First Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche.

Compiled as an Introduction to the Kagyu Ngakdzo, the Treasury of Kagyu Mantras by Matthew Kapstein. Bodhnath.

Kongtrul 1977

–, —. Torch of Certainty. Translated by Judith Hudson.

Boudler & London: Shambhala.

Kongtrul 1987

–, —. The Great Path of Awakening. A Commentary

on the Mahayana Teachings of the Seven Points of Mind Training. Translated by Ken McLeod. Boston & London: Shambhala.

Kongtrul 1994

–, —. Jamgon Kongtrul's Retreat Manual. Translated

by Ngawang Zangpo. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 1996

–, —. Creation and Completion: Essential Points of

Tantric Meditation. Translated by Sarah Harding. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Kongtrul 1998

–, —. The Light of Wisdom. Translated by Erik Pema

Kunsang. Volume 2. Boudhanath, Hong Kong & Esby: Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

Kongtrul 1999a

–, —. The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 1 by Padmasambhava,

commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang. Boudhanath, Hong Kong & Esby: Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

–, —. The Teacher-Student Relationship. Ithaka, NY:

Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2000

–, —. The Buddha Nature, The Mahayana Uttaratantra

Shastra with Commentary Arya Maitreya, with commentary by Jamgon Kongrul Lodro Thaye and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2001a

–, —. The Light of Wisdom. Translated by Erik Pema

Kunsang. Volume 4. Boudhanath, Hong Kong & Esby: Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

Kongtrul 2001b

–, —. Sacred Ground: Jamgon Kongtrul on Pilgrimage

and Sacred Geography.Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2001c

,– (comp.). The Torch of Completely Clear Details.

Liturgies for the Practices of Summer Retreat & Lifting of Restrictions from the Three Grounds of the Full Training in Discipline. Tr. by Nalanda Translation Commettee. Halifax: Nalanda Translation Commettee.

Kongtrul 2001d

–, —. Treasury of Knowledge, Chapter 7, Section 3.

Ascertaining Certainty About the View. Auckland: Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publication.

–, —. The Autobiography of Jamgon Kongtrul: A Gem

of Many Colors translated by Richard Barron. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2003b

–, —. The Treasury of Knowledge, Book 5: Buddhist

Ethics. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2003c

–, —. The Treasury of Knowledge. Book 1. Myriad

Worlds. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2005

–, —. The Treasury of Knowledge, Book 6, Part 4:

Systems of Buddhist Tantra. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2007

– —, —. The Treasury of Knowledge, Book 8, Part 4: Esoteric Instructions. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2008a

–, —. The Treasury of Knowledge, Book 6, Part 3.

Frameworks of Buddhist Philosophy. Kalu Rinpoche Translation Group. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion.

Kongtrul 2008b

– —, —. Treasury of Knowledge, book 8 part 3: The Elements of Tantric Practice. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

–, —. Treasury of Knowledge, Books 2-3-4: Buddhism's

Journey to Tibet. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Kongtrul 2011

–, —. Treasury of Knowledge, books 9-10: Journey and

Goal. Ithaka, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

Использованные источники на английском языке:

Dudjom 1991

Dudjom Rinpoche, Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje. The Nyingmapa School of Tibetan Buddhism. Its Fundamentals and History. Vol. 1–2. Translated and edited by Gyurme Dorje and coll. of Mathew Kapstein. Ann Arbor: Wisdom Publications. 1991.

Gyurme 2004

Gyurme Dorje. Tibet. 3d edition. London: Footprint. 2004.

Shamarpa 2007

Shamarpa XIV Rinpoche, Kunzig, Mipham Chokyi Lodro. On the meaning of Samaya.

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