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officiis / Ed. W. Miller. London, 1913. P. 116.


Skinner. Sir Thomas More’s Utopia. P. 127–128; Fox A. G., Guy J. A. Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics, and Reform, 1500–1550. Oxford, 1986. P. 36.


CWiv. Utopia / Ed. E. Surtz, J. H. Hexter. New Haven, Conn., 1965, repr. 1979. P. 87.


Там же, 99–101; Skinner. Sir Thomas More’s Utopia. P. 132–133.


A Dialogue between Reginald Pole and Thomas Lupset / Ed. К. M. Burton. London, 1948. P. 22; The Book Named the Governor / Ed. S. E. Lehmberg. London, 1962, repr. 1975. P. 95–99; A Discourse of the Commonweal of this Realm of England / Ed. M. Dewar. Charlottesville, Va., 1969. P. 16; Fox, Guy. Reassessing the Henrician Age. P. 52–73; McConica J. K. English Humanists and Reformation Politics. Oxford, 1965, repr. 1968. P. 209.


Wernham R. B. Before the Armada: The Emergence of the English Nation, 1485–1588. New York, 1966, repr. 1972. P. 236–237; O’Day R. Education and Society, 1500–1800: The Social Foundations of Education in Early Modern Britain. London, 1982. P. 128.


Discourse of the Commonweal / Ed. Dewar. P. xv-xvii; Ferguson A. B. The Tudor Commonweal and the Sense of Change // Journal of British Studies, 3. 1963. P. 11–35; Skinner Q. The Foundations of Modern Political Thought. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1973, repr. 1979. ii. 349–358.


Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney / Ed. Feuillerat. iii. 17; Tillyard E. M. W. The Elizabethan World Picture. London, 1943, new edn., 1963, repr. 1968. P. 33–34.


The History of the University of Oxford, iii. The Collegiate University / Ed. J. K. McConica. Oxford, 1986. P. 707–709.


Kelley D. R. The Beginning of Ideology: Consciousness and Society in the French Reformation. Cambridge, 1981, repr. 1983. P. 131–135; Knafla L. A. Law and Politics in Jacobean England: The Tracts of Lord Chancellor Ellesmere. Cambridge, 1977. P. 40–42; History of the University of Oxford, iii. / Ed. McConica. P. 713–714.


Thomas K. Religion and the Decline of Magic. London, 1971, repr. 1978. P. 198–206, 681–698; Christopher Marlowe: The Complete Plays / Ed. J. B. Steane. Harmondsworth, 1969, repr. 1977. P. 10–15; Skinner. Foundations of Modem Political Thought. ii. 275–284.


James. Society, Politics and Culture. P. 418–421; Ferguson A. B. Clio Unbound: Perceptions of the Social and Cultural Past in Renaissance England. Durham, NC, 1979; Levy F. J. Tudor Historical Thought. San Marino, Ca., 1967; Pocock J. G. A. The Sense of History in Renaissance England // William Shakespeare, i. His World / Ed. J. F. Andrews. New York, 1985. P. 143–157.


CSPD1601–1603, p. 15; James. Society, Politics and Culture. P. 418–419, 437; Pocock. The Sense of History. P. 148.


Bennett H. S. English Books and Readers, 1558 to 1603. Cambridge, 1965. P. 56–86; The Cambridge History of English Literature / Ed. A. W. Ward, A. R. Waller. 15 vols. Cambridge, 1907–27. vii. 343–344; Palliser D. M. The Age of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors, 1547–1603. London, 1983. P. 354–355.


См.: Ellrodt R. Self-Consciousness in Montaigne and Shakespeare // Shakespeare Survey, 28. 1975. P. 37–50, и приведенные ссылки.


CW ix. The Apology / Ed. J. B. TraP. New Haven, Conn., 1979. P. 13; Spufford M. Schooling of Peasantry in Cambridgeshire // Agricultural History Review, 18. 1970, Supplement. P. 112–147; Spufford M. Contrasting Communities: English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Cambridge, 1974. P. 192–209, 262–263; cf. Cressy D. Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Cambridge, 1980. P. 44–45.


Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 1–18, 142–174, 176; Cressy. Levels of Illiteracy in England, 1530–1730 // Historical Journal, 20. 1977. P. 1–23. Cf. Schofield R. S. The Measurement of Literacy in Pre-Industrial England // Literacy in Traditional Societies / Ed. J. Goody. Cambridge, 1967. P. 311–325.


Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 1–41; Hull S. W. Chaste, Silent and Obedient: English Books for Women, 1475–1640. San Marino, Ca., 1982; Thomas К. V. The Meaning of Literacy in Early Modern England // The Written Word: Literacy in Transition / Ed. G. Baumann. Oxford, 1986.


Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 142–164.


Harris T. London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration until the Exclusion Crisis. Cambridge, 1987; Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 65–75, 128–129, 146–147, 154–155.


Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell / Ed. R. B. Merriman. 2 vols.; Oxford, 1902. ii. 27; см. также Slavin A. J. The Gutenberg Galaxy and the Tudor Revolution // Print and Culture in the Renaissance: Essays on the Advent of Printing in Europe / Ed. G. P. Tyson, S. S. Wagonheim. Newark, NJ, 1986. P. 90–109.


The Notebook of Sir John Port / Ed. J. H. Baker. London: Selden Society, 1986. P. 136.


Orme N. English Schools in the Middle Ages. London, 1973. P. 294; Simon J. Education and Society in Tudor England. Cambridge, 1966. P. 179–196, 215–244, 268–287; Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 164–170.


Simon. Education and Society. P. 291–316; Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 34–38, 167–169.


Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. P. 28–41, 157–170.


Было десять канцлерских иннов в 1468 году, но в 1540-м осталось только девять. В 1549 году Стрэнд-Инн снесли, чтобы дать возможность лорд-протектору Сомерсету построить Сомерсет-Хаус. См. в: Megarry R. Inns Ancient and Modern. London: Selden Society, 1972.


Prest W. Legal Education of the Gentry at the Inns of Court, 1560–1640 // Past and Present, no. 38. 1967. P. 20–39; Guy J. A. Law, Faction, and Parliament in the Sixteenth Century // Historical Journal, 28. 1985. P. 446.


Simon. Education and Society. P. 388–389; Palliser. Age of Elizabeth. P. 363.


History of the University of Oxford / Ed. McConica. iii. 645–732; The University in Society / Ed. L. Stone. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ, 1975. i. 3–81, 93; Russell. The Influx of Commoners into the University of Oxford before 1581: An Optical Illusion? // English Historical Review, 92. 1977. P. 721–745; Palliser. Age of Elizabeth. P. 363–365.


University in Society / Ed. Stone. i. 91–92;

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