» Историческая проза » Чернобыль. История катастрофы - Адам Хиггинботам






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_______. “Echo in the Dark.” New Yorker, September 22, 2008.

Reuters. “Chernobyl Costs Reach $3.9 Billion.” Globe and Mail (Canada), September 20, 1986.

_______. “New Town Opens to Workers from Chernobyl Power Plant.” New York Times, April 19, 1988.

_______. “Wild Boars Roam Czech Forests – and Some of Them Are Radioactive.” February 22, 2017.

Reva, V. M. Testimony at the 46th session of the Supreme Rada, December 11, 1991. Kiev, Ukraine. Transcript online at

Rogovin, Mitchell, and George T. Frampton Jr. (NRC Special Inquiry Group). Three Mile Island: A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1980.

Rybinskaya, Irina. Interview with Vladimir Trinos. “Fireman Vladimir Trinos, one of the first to arrive at Chernobyl after the explosion: ‘It was inconvenient to wear gloves, so the guys worked with their bare hands, crawling on their knees through radioactive water…’ ” [Пожарный Владимир Тринос, одним из первых попавший на ЧАЭС после взрыва: «В рукавицах было неудобно, поэтому ребята работали голыми руками, ползая на коленях по радиоактивной воде…»]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 26, 2001,

Rylskii, Maksim. Interview with Vitali Sklyarov. “The Nuclear Power Industry in the Ukraine.” Soviet Life 353, no. 2.

Samarin, Anton. Interview with Viktor Brukhanov. “Chernobyl hasn’t taught anyone anything” [Чернобыль никого и ничему не научил]. Odnako, April 26, 2010,

Samodelova, Svetlana. “The private catastrophe of Chernobyl’s director” [Личная катастрофа директора Чернобыля]. Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 22, 2011,

Sazhneva, Ekaterina. “The living hero of a dead city” [Живой герой мертвого города]. Kultura, February 2, 2016,

Schmemann, Serge. “Chernobyl and the Europeans: Radiation and Doubts Linger.” New York Times, June 12, 1988.

_______. “Kremlin Asserts ‘Danger Is Over.’” New York Times, May 12, 1986.

_______. “Soviet Announces Nuclear Accident at Electric Plant.” New York Times, April 29, 1986.

_______. “The Talk of Kiev.” New York Times, May 31, 1986.

Semenov, A. N. “For the 10th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Catastrophe.” In Semenov, ed., Chernobyl: Ten Years On, 7–74.

Shanker, Thom. “As Reactors Hum, ‘Life Goes On’ at Mammoth Tomb.” Chicago Tribune, June 15, 1987.

_______. “Life Resumes at Chernobyl as Trials Begin.” Chicago Tribune, June 16, 1987.

_______. “2 Graves Lift Chernobyl Toll to 30.” Chicago Tribune, August 3, 1986.

Shasharin, G. “Chernobyl Tragedy” [Чернобыльская трагедия]. Novy Mir 797, no. 9 (1991): 164–79. Republished with the same title in Semenov, ed., Chernobyl: Ten Years On, 75–132.

Shcherbak, Iurii. “Chernobyl: A Documentary Tale” [Чернобыль: Документальная повесть]. Yunost, nos. 6–7 (1987). Translated by JPRS Soviet Union Political Affairs as “Fictionalized Report on First Anniversary of Chernobyl Accident” (Report no. JPRS-UPA-87-029, September 15, 1987).

Sheremeta, Yelena. Interview with Rada Scherbitskaya. “After Chernobyl, Gorbachev told Vladimir Vasiliyevich, ‘If you don’t hold the parade, say good-bye to the party.’” [После Чернобыля Горбачев сказал Владимиру Васильевичу: «Если не проведешь первомайскую демонстрацию, то можешь распрощаться с партией»]. Fakty i kommentarii, February 17, 2006,

_______. Interview with Vitali Masol. “Vitali Masol: ‘We were quietly preparing to evacuate Kiev’ ” [Виталий Масол: «Мы тихонечко готовились к эвакуации Киева»]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 26, 2006,

Shunevich, Vladimir. “Former ChNPP Director Brukhanov: ‘When after the accident my mother learned that I’d been expelled from the party, her heart broke…’” [Бывший директор ЧАЭС Виктор Брюханов: «Когда после взрыва реактора моя мама узнала, что меня исключили из партии, у нее разорвалось сердце…»]. Fakty i kommentarii, December 1, 2010,

_______. Interview with Viktor Brukhanov. “Former director of the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station Viktor Brukhanov: ‘At night, driving by Unit Four, I saw that the structure above the reactor is… Gone!’ ” [Бывший директор Чернобыльской атомной электростанции Виктор Брюханов: «Ночью, проезжая мимо четвертого блока, увидел, что верхнего строения над реактором… Нету!»]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 28, 2006,

Sich, Alexander. “Truth Was an Early Casualty.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 52, no. 3 (May – June 1996).

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