» Историческая проза » Иосиф Бродский - Лев Лосев






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Якимчук 1990 – Якимчук Н. Как судили поэта (дело И. Бродского). Л.: Аквилон, 1990.

Якович 1993 – Якович Е. «Дело» Бродского на Старой площади // Литературная газета. 1993. 5 мая.

Янгфельдт 1998 – Янгфельдт Б. Шведские комнаты. В кн.: Труды и дни. Янечек 1986 – Янечек Дж. Бродский читает «Стихи на смерть Т. С. Элиота». В кн.: Поэтика Бродского.

Критические работы о Бродском на иностранных языках

Bayley 1986 – Bayley J. Mastering Speech // New York Review of Books. Vol. 33, June 12, 1986.

Bethea 1986 – Bethea D. Conjurer in Exile // The New York Times Book Review, July 13, 1986.

Bethea 1994 – Bethea D. Joseph Brodsky and the Creation of Exile. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994.

Birkerts 1982– Birkerts S. The Art of Poetry XXVIII. Joseph Brodsky // The Paris Review, № 83, Spring 1982.

Brown 1980 – Brown C. The Best Russian Poetry Written Today // The New York Times Book Review, September 7, 1980.

Burnett 1990 – Burnett L. The Complicity of the Real: Affinities in the Poetics of Brodsky and Mandelstam. In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Burnett 2000 – Burnett L. Galatea Encore. In: The Art of а Роет.

Disch 1980 – Disch T (Review of «A Part of Speech») // Washington Post Book World, August 24, 1980.

Eder 1980 – Eder R. Joseph Brodsky in U. S.: Poet and Language in Exüe // The New York Times, March 25, 1980.

France 1990 – France P. Notes on the Sonnets to Mary Queen of Scots. In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Gifford 1980 – Gifford H. Idioms in Interfusion // Times Literary Supplement, № 4046, October 17, 1980.

Heaney 1987 – Heaney S. Brodsky's Nobel: What the Applause was About // The New York Times Book Review, November 8, 1987.

Hofman 2000 – Hofman M. «Raine, Raine, Go Away» // The Observer, December 3, 2000.

Katz 1983 – Katz J. Artists in Exile. New York: Stern and Day, 1983.

Kirsch 2000 – Kirsch A. The Art of the Contemporary // The New Republic, October 9, 2000.

Kline 1973 – Kline G. L. «Introduction» and notes in: Joseph Brodsky. Selected poems. New York et al.: Harper & Row Publishers, 1973.

Kline 1990 – Kline G. L. Variations on the Theme of Exile. In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Knox 1978 – Knox J. E. Iosif Brodskii's Affmity with Osip Mandel'stam: Cultural Links with the Past. Ph. D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, 1978.

Kuznetsov 1999 – Kuznetsov S. «Darling, Tonight I Went Out Late…» In: The Art of а Роет.

Loseff 1989 – Loseff L. Joseph Brodsky's Poetics of Faith. In: Aspects of Modern Russian and Czech Literature: Selected Papers of the Third World Congress for Soviet and East-European Studies. Ed. Arnold McMfflin. Columbus: Slavica, 1989.

Loseff 1990 – Loseff L. Politics/Poetics. In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Loseff 1992 – Loseff L. Home and Abroad in the Works of Brodsky. In: Under Eastern Eyes: the West as Reflected in Recent Russian Emigre Writing. Ed. Arnold MacMfflin. London: Macmfflan, 1992.

Loseff 1999 – Loseff L. On the Centenary of Anna Akhmatova. In: The Art of а Роет.

Loseff 2003 – Loseff L. Brodsky in Florence. In: Firenze e San Pietroburgo: Due culture si confrontano e dialogano tra loro. Ed. Stefania Pavan. Florence [no publisher], 2003.

Loseff 2004 – Loseff L. On Hostile Ground: Madness and Madhouse in Joseph Brodsky's «Gorbunov and Gorchakov» tbp.

Lotman 1999 – Lotman M. «On the Death of Zhukov». In: The Art of a Poem.

MacFadyen 1995 – MacFadyen D. Joseph Brodsky and the Baroque. Ph. D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995.

MacFadyen 1998 – MacFadyen D. Joseph Brodsky and the Baroque. Montreal et al.: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998.

MacFadyen 2000 – MacFadyen D. Joseph Brodsky and the Soviet Muse. Montreal et al.: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000.

Myers 1996 – Myers A. Note on Joseph Brodsky // Northern Review.Vol. 3, Summer 1996.

Navrozov 1981 – Navrozov L. Russian Literature in Exile and the New York Times // The Rockford Papers. Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1981.

Nivat 1990 – Nivat G. The Ironic Journey into Antiquty. In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Pilshchikov 1995 – Pilshchikov 1. Coitus as a Cross Genre Motif in Brodsky's Poetry. In: Жанровая клавиатура.

Poetics and Aesthetics — Brodsky's Poetics and Aesthetics. Ed. Lev Loseff and Valentina Polukhina. Basingstoke, GB: Macmfflan Press, 1990.

Polukhina 1989 – Polukhina V. Joseph Brodsky: A Poet for Our Time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Polukhina 1992 – Polukhina V. Brodsky Through the Eyes of His Contemporaries. London – New York: Macmfflan Press & St. Martin's Press, 1992.

Polukhina 1997 – Polukhina V. "." // Russian Literature. Vol. 41, № 2.

Raine 1996 – Raine С. A Reputation Subject to Inflation // Financial Times, November 16–17, 1996.

Reid 1988 – Reid С Great American Disaster // London Review of Books, December 8, 1988.

Rigsbee 1999 – Rigsbee D. Styles of Ruin: Joseph Brodsky and the Postmodernist Elegy. Westport, Connecticut – London: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Scherr 1995 – Scherr B. Two Versions of Pastoral: Brodsky's Eclogues. In: Жанровая клавиатура.

Scherr 1999 – Scherr B. «To Urania». In: The Art of a Poem.

Shalcross 2002 – Shallcross B. Through the Poet's Eye: The Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodsky. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2002.

Smith 1990 – Smith G. S. «Polden' v komnatę». In: Poetics and Aesthetics.

Smith 1999 – Smith G. S. «Long Growing Dark»: Joseph Brodsky's «August». In: Rereading Russian Poetry. Ed. Stephanie Sandler. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1999.

Smith et al. 2002 — Joseph Brodsky «On the Talks in Kabul»: a Forum on Politics in Poetry (participants: David Bethea, Catherine Ciepiela, Sarah Pratt, Stephanie Sandler, J. S. Smith, Katherine Tiernan O'Connor, Michael Wachtel) // Russian Review. Vol. 61, No. 2, April 2002.

Steckler 1982 – Steckler 1. M. The Poetic World and the Sacred World: Biblical Motifs in the Poetry of Joseph Brodsky, Ph. D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1982.

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