» Разная литература » Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков






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Stuart Papers — Calendar of the Stuart Papers belonging to His Majesty the King, Preserved at Windsor Castle

CMMO — Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde. K.P. Preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series

CSPD — Calendar of State Papers. Domestic Series

CCST — A Complete Collection of the State Trials and Proceeding for High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Year 1783, with Notes and Other Illustrations: Including, in Addition to the whole of the Matter Contained in the Folio Edition of Hargrave, Upwards of Two Hundred Cases Never Before Collected; to which is subjoined A Table of Parallel Reference, rendering this Edition Applicable to those Books of Authority in which References are Made to the Folio Edition

Claverhouse, letters — Letters of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, with Illustrative Documents/ed. by K. Sharp

Culloden Papers — Culloden Papers: Comprising an Extensive and Interesting Correspondence from the Year 1625 to 1748: Including Numerous Letters from the Unfortunate Lord Lovat, and Other Distinguished Persons of the Time: With Occasional State Papers of Much Historical Importance. The Whole Published from the Originals in the Possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden, Esq. To Which is Prefixed, An Introduction. Containing Memoirs of the Right Honorable Duncan Forbes, may Years Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland

ECC — The Eighteenth Century Constitution, 1688–1815: Documents and Commentaries/ed. by E.N. Williams

EHD — English Historical Documents/general, ed.: D. Douglas

EHR — The English Historical Review

Ellis, letters — Letters Written during the Years 1686, 1687, 1688, and Addressed to John Ellis, Esq. Secretary to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Revenue in Ireland. Comprising Many Particulars of the Revolution, and Anecdotes Illustrative of the History and Manners of Those Times

DHC — Debates of the House of Commons/ed. by A. Grey

Highland Papers — Papers Illustrative of the Political Condition of the Highlands of Scotland, From the Year 1639 to 1696.

HJ — The Historical Journal

HMC — Historical Manuscript Commission

Ideology and Conspiracy — Ideology and Conspiracy: Aspects of Jacobitism, 1689–1759/ed. by E. Cruickshanks

Jacobite Challenge — The Jacobite Challenge/ed. by E. Cruickshanks, J. Black

JHC — Journal of the House of Commons

JHL — Journal of the House of Lords

JMH — The Journal of Modern History

JTM — The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694: From an Unpublished Manuscript/ed. by W. Beamont

Kings in Conflict — Kings in Conflict: The Revolutionary War in Ireland and its Aftermath, 1689–1750/ed. by W.A. Maguire

LMP — Leven and Melville Papers: Letters and State Papers Chiefly Addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689–1691

Original Papers — Original Papers; containing the Secret History of the Great Britain, from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To which are Prefixed Extracts from the Life of James II as Written by Himself

RMDBQ — Report on the Manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., K.T., Presented at Monagu House, Whitehall

RMLAGF — Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch Esq., of Burley-on-the-Hill Rutland

Rawdon Papers — The Rawdon Papers, consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, Literary, Political, and Ecclesiastical, to and from Dr. John Bramhall, Primate of Ireland. Including the Correspondence of Several Most Eminent Men during the Greater Part of the Seventeenth Century Faithfully printed from the Originals; and Illustrated with Literary and Historical Notes

SBSH — A Source Book of Scottish History/ed. by W.C. Dickinson, G. Donaldson.

SDM — Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746/ed. by J.G. Fife

SHR — The Scottish Historical Review

SSR — Scottish Slavonic Review



В Англии и Ирландии Яков II является вторым из представителей династии Стюартов, кто носил это имя. В Шотландии, откуда происходила династия, он был седьмым по счету и носил титул Якова VII Стюарта. В настоящей работе во избежание путаницы король именуется по своему английскому титулу.


Petrie С. The Marshal Duke of Berwick: A Picture of an Age. L., 1953. P. 15.


Szechi D. The Jacobites: Britain and Europe, 1688–1788. Manchester; N.Y., 1994. P. 6–7.


Оранжисты — в Нидерландах и Британии сторонники «короля-статхаудера» Вильгельма Оранского.


Burnet G. Bishop Burnets History of the Reign of King James the Second. Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth, Speakers Onslow, and Dean Swift. Additional Observations now Enlarged. Oxford, 1852.


Burnet G. Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: From the Restoration of King Charles II to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Reign of Queen Anne. To which is prefixed, A Summary Recapitulation of Affairs in Church and State, from King James I to the Restoration in the Year 1660: in 3 v./ed. by T. Burnet. L., 1753.


Burnet G. Bishop Burnet's History of the Reign of King James the Second. P. 1.


Boyer A. The Reign of King James II//Boyer A. The History of King William the Third: in 3 parts. L., 1702. Part 2.


Ковенантеры — представители религиозного движения крайних кальвинистов, яростно выступавших против католицизма и епископальной церкви Шотландии.


Wodrow R. The History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution: in 4 v. Glasgow, 1832. Vol. 3–4.


Юм Д. Англия под властью дома Стюартов (1649–1685): в 2 т./пер. с англ. А. А. Васильева. СПб., 2002. Т. 2; Hume D. The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. L., 1822. Vol. 8.


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